How to Approach a New Programming Language.

Susanna Han
4 min readMay 4, 2020

Learning to code is like learning a new language. The easiest way I have found to learn to code is to use the same concepts as someone learning a new language. It can be overwhelming at first but if you break it down into simple steps it’s a lot easier to achieve than it seems!

Some of the most popular programming languages include Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, PHP, and many more. So, what’s the best and most practical way to learn a new language?

  1. Expose yourself: Some would say watching a show or being around people that speak that particular language is the best way to learn. The more you hear it and see people using the language the easier it is to understand the overall communication over-time. It’s helpful to expose yourself to the language as much as you can before you attempt to learn it.

What does that look like in programming languages? There are so many free resources available in this day and age of the internet. You can learn about any language! Just search it on platforms like youtube or google to expose yourself to the world of code.

2. Vocabulary: The more words you learn the more complex your communication becomes. In order to speak the language, you need to know what words to use to express yourself. Learning the most common, basic words is a great place to start.

You can learn the basic terms and vocabulary used for any language on Youtube. There are also other resources available such as books, flashcards for beginners, code sheets, mentors, etc. Do what’s best for you. You don’t necessarily need to purchase anything. Take advantage of all the free content! Pick a language and search for it to build a basic foundation and understanding.

3. Constructing: Once you have enough words under your belt you need to sequence your vocabulary in a way that makes sense to the language. This will allow you to communicate your ideas and thoughts in a way that is understood by those you are trying to communicate with. This is probably the more difficult part for some as different languages are structured in different ways.

Learning the syntax of the language will be the bridge that transitions you from knowing the concept to actually running a successful code. If the syntax is used incorrectly the program will not be able to recognize the commands that are inputted into your code. Resulting in an error and overall not being able to accomplish the end goal.

4. Putting it Together: Using your vocabulary and connecting it to the structure of the language will help you understand how to use what you have learned. Going back and watching shows or surrounding yourself with native speakers will bring it all together.

Watch people code! Look up some projects done in the language you are learning and go through the markdowns of their code explaining what each line of code does. This will help you connect the knowledge you have acquired thus far into real-life coding. You can find projects on Kaggle, Github, or even live codings done on Youtube.

5. Practice: Practice! Practice! Practice! This is the only way to get better. The more you practice the easier the language becomes. Then you are able to create complex, efficient, and natural code to express the ideas into becoming an amazing coder!

The only way you will become an efficient and professional coder is to practice. Many people use websites like Leetcode to solve different levels of problems to practice not only coding but thinking of different solutions for different scenarios that you may run into as a coder. They are also helpful in preparing you for future interview questions.

Creating your own project is also another way to improve your coding. It allows you to solve a problem that you are interested in with your own functions and creates an enviroment where you’re able to learn as you go. It becomes extremely helpful to experience the completion of a project as it builds other skillsets such as the ability to research, debug, and solve different issues on your own. The best, and some would say the worst thing about learning to code is that the same problem can be resolved in mutliple different ways and you’re able to use what works best and is most efficient for you.

Learning a new programming language doesn’t have to be difficult! The more you engage and surround yourself in the world of code the easier it becomes. Before attempting to learn any programming language I recommend looking up what the different languages are best used for and to start thinking of what your interests are and what you want to use the skill for.

